Girls’ Brigade Ministries (GBM)

Helping girls and women explore and engage with real life and Christian faith in fun, informative and hopeful ways.

Find out more Watch our vision video

Find a group

GB has more than 450 community groups around the country and these are open to children and young people, primarily girls, aged 4 plus. Why not find out more and locate a group near you?

Find a group

Our stories

Hear stories of how Girls' Brigade Ministries is developing lasting relationships, deepening confidence, building resilience and increasing well-being and life skills for girls across the UK.

"GB groups provide safe, welcoming environments for girls and young women to form friendships, develop their potential and explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the 21st century."Rev. Gill Newton, Chair of Sheffield Methodist District

Girls' Brigade leader hugging n:spire girl

Our volunteers

Our volunteer leaders are transforming and enriching the lives of children and young people across the UK.

Our activities


GB leaders at a conference


Online training for GB leaders

As a GB leader it’s great to be fully equipped/trained for activities we may do with our young people, or to be trained so that we can share our knowledge within our local area.

Learn more
Girls' Brigade Manager logo


GB Manager training – the next steps

Following the launch of the GB Manager system in 2021 and the basic training we've been delivering over the last few years, we're pleased to share we're offering a new training session for the system.

Learn more