Girls’ Brigade Ministries (GBM) is part of a global family that expresses itself in different ways around the world.
Worldwide there are over 3,000 GB groups and over 126,000 members.
GB is active in 5 fellowships (areas) and every country is united in its vision to help girls and young women ‘Seek, Serve and Follow Christ’.
- Africa
- Asia
- Caribbean & Americas
- Europe
- Pacific
With strong roots of fun, friendship and discovery, GB continues to positively impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of girls and their families in a broad mix of countries and cultures working alongside churches, governments, schools and many other partners.
Each fellowship has a chairman who represents their area’s views and concerns at an annual International President’s Committee (IPC) meeting and every 4 years an international conference takes place (ICGB).
In 2010, GB International launched a new vision statement. It captures our shared sense of what happens through the ministry and mission of GB.
Through GB we see: Girls’ lives transformed: God’s world enriched.
GB teams around the world are committed to working in different ways, appropriate to their context and culture, to see this vision fulfilled.