There is an Approaching Easter resource for n:vestigate (4-8s), n:gage (7 to 11s), n:counta (10 to 14s), and n:spire (13 to 18s). These resources take a blended approach to make them suitable for either face-to-face delivery; Zoom delivery; or use at home by children and their parents. You can, of course, continue to blend age groups and use whichever programme suits your individual context.
What are the resources about?
Approaching Easter will allow GB’s members to engage with the Easter story and consider what it means to live as a follower of Jesus.
How are they structured?
There are 5 weeks to each programme leaving you space to plan your own activities in the remaining one or two weeks of the half-term period. Each of the weekly sessions contains enough material to last up to an hour. Don’t feel you have to do all the activities if you’re meeting for less time than this – pick and mix to suit your children and your context.
Where can I get them?
You can download the n:vestigate resource here.
You can download the n:gage resource here.
You can download the n:counta resource here.
You can download the n:spire resource here.
We also have a range of PowerPoint materials for you to support the programmes which you can also download for:
What about badges?
Badges and stickers have been produced for the different age groups, as normal, and are available from GB Trading.
Why are these resources free?
GB has received some funding from the Government’s Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund, but not funded by them, which has paid for these resources to be produced for you.