n:vestigate girl climbing tree


Every penny you donate will help fund our life-transforming work – sharing the difference having a faith makes, teaching life-skills, and building confidence and resilience.

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Donate via PayPal

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Donate via Stewardship


I donate to GB Ministries every month because I believe in investing in girls and young women and helping them live life to the full, says Katrina, 39, of Hampshire.

Regular gifts


As a registered charity, you can donate quickly and easily to us online via our Stewardship account and we’d love you to set up a regular direct debit:

  • Your £5 per month, equivalent to the cost of just 2 cups of coffee, could help us to train leaders at a new GB community group
  • Your £10 per month, equivalent to a cinema ticket, could enable us to subsidise a woman’s attendance at a retreat or Esther Collective event.
  • Your £20 per month, equivalent to a meal out, could help send a young person to a camp
  • Your £50 per month could enable us over a year to extend the reach of our digital ministry, such as koko
  • Your £100 per month, over a year, could start up a new GB community group. 

Please Gift Aid your donations if you can as this enables us to reclaim an extra 25p from the government meaning that for every £1 generously given to us GBM receives £1.25. 


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three girls in soft play area

One-off gifts

You can also donate one-off gifts online via our Stewardship account too. Please Gift Aid your donations if you can as this enables us to reclaim an extra 25p from the government meaning that for every £1 generously given to us GBM receives £1.25.

Make a one-off donation
two n:gage girls sat on inflatable

Donate by post

Please make your cheque payable to Girls’ Brigade England & Wales and either send it with an accompanying letter to confirm the amount and who the donation is from or, if your donation is applicable for Gift Aid, please download this form and send it with your cheque. Please Gift Aid your donations if you can as this enables us to reclaim an extra 25p from the government meaning that for every £1 generously given to us GBM receives £1.25.

Please send your cheque to:
GB Ministries
Cliff College
Hope Valley
S32 3XG.

Download our giving form
two girls toasting marshmallows on beach

Leaving a legacy

Help more girls and young women to discover Jesus, have fun and learn new skills by remembering us in your Will.

A gift to the charity GB Ministries in your Will means we can continue our work with girls and young women for years to come.

Making a Will is a simple process and doesn’t need to be expensive. You should visit a solicitor to have your Will drawn up. To find a solicitor near you, contact The Law Society on 0207 242 1222 or visit their website.

The Law Society website

Girls Brigade Assistant