n:gage girls holding up decorated gingerbread man with Girls' Brigade volunteer

For grown ups

Joining a Girls’ Brigade community group is a great way for your child to make lots of new friends and take part in exciting activities.

Why join GBM?

Making new friends, learning new skills, growing in confidence… these are just some of the benefits of sending your child to a GB community group.

Read on to find out how they can join a local group, what uniform they’ll need, and some details on our safeguarding approach keeping your child safe.

Being part of a GB group has had a really positive impact on my daughter, especially on her communication skills and her ability to work with others. She’s also had new experiences that I’m unable to provide as a parent and it’s broadened her knowledge of the Christian faith and lets her explore it as an individual, says Amy Stinton, parent of an 11-year-old GB member.​

Girls Brigade groups in the UK on map

How to join

We have an easy group finder map to help you find a suitable local GB community group.

You can then use our special form to enquire about joining.

Find a group
n:gage girl playing hopskotch


Each GB group charges a weekly, monthly or termly amount to cover the cost of activities and refreshments and this amount varies.

This amount usually covers an annual membership fee, which gets paid to GB’s Support Centre, and covers the cost of administration and programme development.

four n:vestigate girls smiling at camera


Every GB group is part of the whole movement; every leader and girl (or boy in trust) is a GB member.

To cultivate a sense of relational belonging among our members we wear a uniform.

This range of clothes is marked with a simple and clear GB logo. GB England & Wales’ uniform is supplied solely by GB Trading.

Visit GB Trading
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GB groups are run by fully-trained volunteer leaders, who are all DBS-checked and each group has designated first aiders.

All groups meet in safe environments, such as churches and schools, and are covered by insurance.

GB takes safeguarding very seriously.

Guidelines and procedures for safeguarding
n:vestigate girl blowing bubbles

Contact us

Please get in touch if you'd like any further information. Email the GB Support Centre or call us on 01246 582322.

Email us

Learn more

GB leader outside


All GBM volunteers, including emerging leaders aged 16 plus, who are working with children and young people must have a current enhanced DBS check renewed in line with GBM’s appointment policy for volunteers.

Policy for appointments

Girls Brigade Assistant