Girls' Brigade England and Wales ARMS logo, silhouettes of four hands, one holding the GB crest


Stay connected by joining our Arms scheme and be the 'arms' around GB.

What is Arms?

Arms is a scheme for any supporters of our work including parents, church members, and former members and leaders. Supporting leaders, praying for girls and helping us to continue moving forward in our important mission, they are the arms around GB’s mission.

Why sign up?

Girls' Brigade England and Wales ARMS logo

As an Arms member, we’ll support you to become your local group’s prayer warrior.

And you’ll receive a:

  • Special ARMs badge to wear, pictured below
  • Monthly prayer news 
  • Printed GB publication twice a year
  • Access to our monthly online updates (share your email address and we’ll send the latest news and views direct to your inbox)
  • Plus, access to GB’s 3 leadership conferences each year.

Annual membership of the GB Arms group is a recommended donation of £30 per person per year. We, of course, welcome larger donations and regular giving. See our Donate page for more information.

Subscribe at any point in the year by completing our editable form below.

Girls' Brigade young women in full uniform - black and white photo

Join our alumni

Connect with alumni and become an Arms member.

Download an application form
GLB members with drums - black and white


If you have any questions about Arms membership, please contact the GB Support Centre or call 01246 582322.

Email the Support Centre

Learn more

three Girls' Brigade volunteers sat on wall laughing


Volunteering with Girls' Brigade is a great way to use your skills and enrich lives and communities.

n:vestigate girl climbing tree


Every penny you donate will help fund our life-transforming work – sharing the difference having a faith makes, teaching life-skills, and building confidence and resilience.


Girls Brigade Assistant