Young people: Pray our young people that God would raise up a generation of Christ followers who love You and love Your Word and to stand strong against peer pressure.
Growth: Where a group has low numbers pray for those who are there faithfully each week that through their commitment, they can encourage others to come along.
Give thanks: Give thanks for all the fundraising ideas and events that young people and leaders have taken part in recently and that their contributions will help sustain GB for the future.
Staff team and board members: Remember that we have a great future for this organisation. Pray for the staff team, trustees and network executive team for guidance and wisdom to make decisions that will be for the greater good.
Girls’ Brigade around the world: Pray for GB International as they plan and prepare to invite leaders from around the world to join some mentoring sessions covering a wide range of topics to help leaders grow.
Winter Conference: Pray for those who will be sharing at conference and safe travel to those leaders who will be travelling to Hinckley. As leaders listen to all the news and updates pray that it will inspire them to share with their districts and other leaders who were not able to attend.
Ourselves: From the busyness of the week rest in Him this day, take time in His presence and peace to the full. Know that He loves you and He ever wants to reveal His heart to you.