n:vestigate girl sticking star on prayer tree

Pray with us

Below you’ll find 7 prayer points – 1 for each day of the week – so you can pray for each point around 4 times over the course of an average month, as well as an inspiring monthly Bible passage.


GB’s summer conference: Pray for GB’s online summer conference on 6 July – that the technology works well and that all who attend feel inspired and encouraged by what’s shared.


Residential Events: Many groups are preparing for summer camps and sleepovers. Pray for the preparations of the leaders, and that these special times together help the children and young people attending to know God better.


Awards nights: It’s always great to celebrate the achievements of GB’s members. Pray for the groups holding awards nights at the end of this term.


Summer fun: Pray for groups having outings or outside activities during the rest of the summer term. May both the leaders and children and young people have fun and enjoy their time together.


Joy and peace: Spend a few moments praying for yourself – that you will be filled with joy, peace and hope.


Relax: Pray for GB leaders who are soon starting their summer holiday – may it be a time of refreshment and relaxation as they have a few weeks off GB.


Network Executive members: Pray for GB’s Network Executive members and all they seek to do to further the work of GB.

Romans Ch.15:13 (NIV).

‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’

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three Girls' Brigade volunteers sat on wall laughing


Leading a GB community group offers you an opportunity to connect with children, young people and their families locally. Around 80% of those we work with connect to church through the work of GB, providing your church with a great tool for mission and outreach into your local community.
