two Girls' Brigade volunteers sat on sofa working on a laptop together

Share your story

Whatever your experience of Girls' Brigade, we'd love to hear from you.

We’re always keen to hear your experiences from being involved in the Girls’ Brigade. What impact has it had on your life? Or, if you’re a Girls’ Brigade leader, what has your group been up to recently?

If you have a story to share, please complete and submit the form below.

Share your story

  • Please, give a little detail about your story. Who you are? What impact has GB had on you? What you would like to share with others? Or, if you're a Girls' Brigade leader, what has your group been up to recently? 
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png.
    Please send us a photo to go with your story. These will be used on the website, so please make sure you have permission to post these photos online. (Max file size 40mb)
  • Please provide an email address in case we need to contact you about your story.
  • Please provide a phone number in case we need to contact you.
girls smiling at camera in the rain


Read more of our inspiring stories

Read others' stories

Learn more

n:vestigate girl and Girls' Brigade volunteer pointing to picture in a book

Our impact

Check out some of our statistics showcasing the difference our work is making to the lives of thousands of girls, young women and women.

Our impact
three Girls' Brigade volunteers sat on wall laughing


Volunteering with Girls' Brigade is a great way to use your skills and enrich lives and communities.

n:gage girls hugging each other

How our faith guides us

Our initiatives enable this generation, and many previous generations, of girls and women (primarily) to openly explore and engage with real life and the Christian faith in a fun, informative and hopeful way.

How our faith guides us

Girls Brigade Assistant