Building others up
Your words matter… what you say, how you say it, your body language. It all has an impact on who you’re talking to.
koko is an online place for teenage girls and a great resource for youth leaders. View films, blogs, insights and support about living life to the full – enabling girls to ‘keep on keeping on’ in a hope-filled way.
Your words matter… what you say, how you say it, your body language. It all has an impact on who you’re talking to.
Each day is a day to learn and adapt to the world around us; to work out where we are on our journeys, to study, to work, to commit our time to what we’re passionate about.
Is it always all or nothing? Do we purposely fill our time, so our calendars are overly full, or are we a yes person where coincidentally everything just seems to happen at the same time?
I’m quite often asked by family friends, friends, and strangers if I went to university. The simple answer is no. Not because I didn’t want to, not because I didn’t get the grades but because I decided further education wasn’t for me.
My comfort zone is comfortable… I know what I’m doing, most of the time, and I know where I’m going, some of the time. But I have a problem with it – it’s way too comfortable, like a pair of old slippers that are nice and warm.
So, like many others recently, I’ve been spending an unhealthy amount of time on TikTok. You open the app, watch two videos and boom… an hour has passed by! As a creative mind though, I love TikTok. So many of the videos inspire me, but one in particular got me thinking a bit deeper recently.
I’ve grown up surrounded by the countryside and I’ve always enjoyed going on walks with my family. I enjoy looking at, and taking in, the beauty of the world around me.
Occupational therapy…what’s that? Who is that? Is that like physiotherapy? Are you trying to get people back into work?
Scrolling through Instagram, the news, Pinterest etc. it’s easy to feel like you aren’t enough or that you’re not doing enough.