koko logo - a blue circle with the text 'koko - keep on keeping on'

koko is an online place for teenage girls and a great resource for youth leaders. View films, blogs, insights and support about living life to the full – enabling girls to ‘keep on keeping on’ in a hope-filled way.

Girl with head in hand

Making mistakes

Picture the scene: I’m in the cafeteria of a police station in London, where my brother has been showing me around. I’m queueing up for some breakfast and feeling unbelievably nervous surrounded by so many police officers.

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Young child colouring in

What are you learning?

I vividly remember not being able to spell the word ‘family’. I was little (I’ve no idea how old) but I remember sitting in our dining room writing an anniversary card to my mum and dad.

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The words 'habits to be made' in neon lights

Habits to be made

Nail-biting, phone-scrolling, online shopping, mirror-checking. Now it sounds like I’m just listing off the last hour of my day, but I’m really wondering how many of these you’ve found yourself doing regularly without even making a note to do it.

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Two flowers growing over a wall

Stand tall and bloom

It’s 1° here in Essex. It’s not one of those bright, crisp, sunny, wintery days where the sun shines, it’s dull, grey and looks like it’s going to chuck it down with rain.

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Girl laid on a bed peering through her hair

Dealing with anxiety

As I sit and type this the song ‘Simply having a wonderful Christmas time’ is ringing out in my local coffee shop. There are snowflakes and robins hanging from the ceiling and my cup is filled with sweet Christmassy-goodness.

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Busy market street

Yet what I can, I give Him

I was asked to meet with a well-known person in London to make a film for them. The PA told me in the email that the place we were meeting at had a strict dress code of business wear or formal day wear.

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Purple and white flowers resting on a page of writing

Share Hygge

Have you heard of that term ‘Hygge’? Pronounced Hoo-ga, it’s defined as a feeling of cosy contentment and well-being through enjoying the simple things in life.

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People jogging

Run for your life

How’s 2020 going for you? Whether good or bad, one thing I’m pretty sure of is that it’s probably not turning out exactly how you planned. I don’t know if you ever feel how I sometimes do – that it’s all a bit much and it’s hard to keep going. 

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Girls Brigade Assistant