koko logo - a blue circle with the text 'koko - keep on keeping on'

koko is an online place for teenage girls and a great resource for youth leaders. View films, blogs, insights and support about living life to the full – enabling girls to ‘keep on keeping on’ in a hope-filled way.

Closed curtains

Opening up and finding freedom

I vividly remember where I was when I said it. It was 2009 and I was walking with my best friend through a park in Stoke-on-Trent. My heart was racing, I couldn’t get my words out. ‘Shall we sit down on this bench for a bit?’ I said.

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Parasol and blue sky in the summer

I don’t like summer

I don’t like summer. For some of you reading that, you’ll be thinking ‘Whaaaat?’ and I get that. That’s why I’ve never said it out loud, and I’ve never shared it with friends for fear they might think I’m weird.

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An urban street

Exercising the muscle of self-control

I just ate a whole Terry's Chocolate Orange. I tried not to eat the whole thing but, as I took a segment away another one fell down in its place, and it just lay there ready to be consumed. My goodness I love that chocolate. In fact, I love all chocolate, and find it very hard to limit the amount I eat in one sitting. In my head I’ll think ‘just four squares’ and, half an hour later, I’ll find myself putting the wrapper in the bin because the WHOLE bar has been eaten, and we’re talking about a big bar.

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The sea

The stormy sea becoming still

Something happened a year ago that was very difficult and upsetting. I won’t go into details but I’ve had lots of flashbacks and shed lots of tears. I would think about it for hours, every day, multiple times. I’d think about where I was standing, what I could hear and the conversations I had. My heart used to race when I remembered.

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Four young adults sat around talking

What will you do with the voice you’ve been given?

This question got me thinking about the moment a baby enters the world. Go with me here! The midwife and parents-to-be gather in suspense, anxious to hear that first cry - a sign that the baby is alive and well! The relief, comfort and joy often captured in that moment, when the gift of a new voice is heard for the very first time, reminded me of the power for good in using our voices from the moment life begins.

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Seven birds flying in a line

The call of the nightingale

This week my friend Catie drove 100 miles to hear the call of a bird called a nightingale. When I read her post about it I was like, whaat? Why would you drive all that way, just. to. hear. a. bird.

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Two threads through a needle

Try again and try again

Have you ever seen those cushions that look all tied up, like a knot? My friend Claire showed me hers that she bought in Iceland, which is where they originate from. They’re called Icelandic Knot Cushions and the moment I saw Claire’s, I wanted one.

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Kaleidoscope effect of a girls portrait

Don’t play compare

When I was a young girl, and through into my teens, I obsessed over what other girls looked like. 'She's prettier than me', 'She's thinner than me, 'She has a much better personality than me'... it didn’t actually matter what it was, because it all boiled down to the same thing: I wasn’t good enough - I needed to change.

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Girls Brigade Assistant