Be your own kind of beautiful
As an artist within the music industry it’s so easy to play the comparison game... her hair is bigger than mine, that song is better than my last release, her social media following gets more likes, and so on.
koko is an online place for teenage girls and a great resource for youth leaders. View films, blogs, insights and support about living life to the full – enabling girls to ‘keep on keeping on’ in a hope-filled way.
As an artist within the music industry it’s so easy to play the comparison game... her hair is bigger than mine, that song is better than my last release, her social media following gets more likes, and so on.
'THAT’S NOT FAIR!' she shouted as I handed her a 1p coin. 'We should get way more than that!' And that’s when I knew she understood.
Ok, so it’s no secret amongst the people that know me that I totally love trees. I must bore all my family and friends when we go on walks as I’m always saying ‘Ah look how beautiful that tree is!’ or ‘Look at the shape/colour/height/of that one!’
I used to sing a song at my Girls’ Brigade group that went like this: ‘I stand at the door and knock I stand at the door and knock If anyone hears my voice and opens up the door, I will come in. I’ll eat with him and him with me, Revelation chapter 3, Jesus’ word’s in verse 20.’
Three days ago someone upset me, they said something that really hurt. And three days later it’s still on my mind; every time I think of this person I feel cross, frustrated and let down.
Struggling with the Coronavirus pandemic? Here's some hope for the future...
They say everyone is good at something and I truly believe this to be true. Whether you dance, sing, run, kick, draw, write or have unique expertise in a random topic, you have a gift! Some people are gifted in understanding others, some people are gifted in helping others, some people are gifted in teaching others – we’re all different but all good at something.
I love clothes. For me, clothes have always been such an important way for me to express myself. I show I'm happy by wearing my fluffy pink cardigan; I show I mean business by wearing my black swishy skirt which rustles when I walk; I dress up for dancing in my patchwork dress that spins out when I twirl! Clothes help me show how I feel and put me in the mindset for whatever task I have in hand. But I do have a confession: I'm NOT a shopaholic.
I burnt my toast this morning. I left the dial too high. It reminded me that we will get things wrong. That’s a fact of life. Learning from our mistakes means that we’re growing in maturity.
Have you ever had a moment like that? When all of a sudden you’re thinking about the worst thing that could happen in life, and could you even cope? Instead of looking for the feeling of worry, or the thoughts that trigger it, instead of going with them, fight them.