First-world problems
I’m not saying we’re not allowed to be grumpy, angry or sad and sometimes – rightly so! But when you feel that way, just take a moment to think about what isn’t going wrong in your life and be grateful for that.
koko is an online place for teenage girls and a great resource for youth leaders. View films, blogs, insights and support about living life to the full – enabling girls to ‘keep on keeping on’ in a hope-filled way.
I’m not saying we’re not allowed to be grumpy, angry or sad and sometimes – rightly so! But when you feel that way, just take a moment to think about what isn’t going wrong in your life and be grateful for that.
Self-esteem is something that goes up and down all throughout our lives, depending on what we are facing at any given time. Here are 5 ways to help your self-esteem soar.
I’ve learnt to live with and accept that we all have broken parts and, as a Christian, I believe that God is the gold or silver lacquer that sticks me back together. He can use my flaws and my brokenness to make a difference in the lives of those around me. He knows the best and worst about me and loves me the same.
Women are made for more. You and I can be smart and honest, compassionate and courageous, creative, sporty… and many more things! We can help change the culture around us in our words and actions.
Kindness can change the world if you dare to care. In that moment your light can shine.
Ellis and Rachael share their experiences with mental health. It's ok to not be ok.
‘I just felt like I was lost’ - we heard people’s experience of anxiety, self-harm, anorexia and depression.
"The word divorce, it's painful, it stings" - we heard people's experience of their parent’s separating.
‘The hardest thing is how much you miss them.’ – we heard people’s experiences of losing someone they love.
Girls Brigade Assistant