1st Ryton connect with the community
Recently, some of the members from 1st Ryton have connected with the local community in two ways as part of their badgework topics.
Read our latest news, find out about upcoming events, and hear from those involved.
Recently, some of the members from 1st Ryton have connected with the local community in two ways as part of their badgework topics.
We're pleased to share that we'll be holding a webinar for GB leaders about opportunities to boost the skills of your current and future n:spire members.
1st Hawkwell's n:vestigate and n:gage groups went on an adventure to Southend Pier recently.
3rd Keynsham Girls’ Brigade has improved habitats for pollinators at both the Keynsham Methodist church and Keynsham Baptist Church and now have new displays to help educate visitors on identifying different pollinators.
If you look around you right now, you might see a fire extinguisher. But you may not see a defibrillator. When the 1st Fareham Girls’ Brigade leaders completed their first aid training course this year, they learned that defibrillators should be as common as fire extinguishers, cared for and readily available.
Two of the volunteers at 1st Wallsend have been recognised for their work with Girls’ Brigade.
Wow! GB young people have spent over 845 hours volunteering for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award over the last year!
37th Bristol were pleasantly surprised recently when the arrived at PGL Beam House, in Devon, to find that they were the only group onsite!
The Rev Gill Newton, who will be inducted as President of the Methodist Conference tomorrow, was a former GB member and is GB’s National Chaplain.
Around 60 members from 7 GB groups represented GB in the youth enclosure for the very first Trooping the Colour parade for King Charles on Saturday 17 June.