A Christmas message from Girls’ Brigade CEO Judith Davey-Cole
As Christmas Day is almost upon us, our CEO Judith Davey-Cole shares a message of thanks with all involved with Girls' Brigade across England & Wales.
Read our latest news, find out about upcoming events, and hear from those involved.
As Christmas Day is almost upon us, our CEO Judith Davey-Cole shares a message of thanks with all involved with Girls' Brigade across England & Wales.
It's time for some festive updates! Find out what our local community groups have been up to this month to celebrate Christmas...
Women share why they think they have a place in the armed forces.
The Esther Generation Weekend is for 15-25 year old Queen's Award participants & n:spire members aged 13-18.
We're delighted to say that money raised and collected at the GB Support Centre for the fundraising challenge 2024 has been counted and we're so pleased to announce that we have raised over £30,000.
One of the biggest challenges within any military career is going through basic training. There's a lot of hurdles to overcome. For some younger recruits it's their first time away from home, for others it's the first time they've had to share their space with anyone else.
Join us for a FREE webinar looking at the world of women and the military, with some special guests with military experience from the Girls' Brigade family.
I joined the Women’s Royal Navy as a Wren in October 1984. Unlike my male counterparts, I didn't carry a weapon, and never went on board a ship. Having never lived away from home joining the forces was a huge change, the help and support from my time in The Girls' Brigade really helped me to adjust.
A school librarian, prefect and a church altar server, Ady wasn’t exactly regarded as one of the ‘cool kids’ throughout her school years! Although fortunate to have a good group of friends, she was often subjected of teasing by others.
Jo is an RAF Chaplain and former Girls’ Brigade member and leader. Jo says that the core values of the RAF are ones that she has lived with since the age of 5 when she arrived in the Girls' Brigade explorers section in her marvellous red jumper!
Girls Brigade Assistant