four n:gage girls in large park swing

News, stories & events

Read our latest news, find out about upcoming events, and hear from those involved.

News, stories & events

GB member holding donated hair


A hair-raising donation

A GB member has donated 40cm of her hair to a charity supporting children with cancer – as well as raising more than £800 for the same cause.

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Anne Stapleton outside Buckingham Palace


Leader awarded British Empire Medal

Anne Stapleton, Team Leader of 2nd Plymouth GB group and District Team Leader of Plymouth District, has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2020 for her work with GB.

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girls social distancing in church


God is with us

It’s great to hear of GB groups resuming face-to-face activities and the difference it’s making for both girls and young women, as well as the leaders.

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GB leaders talking at conference


Winter conference 2020 – Volumise

Join us online for our Winter Conference where we’ll be looking at Growing Together as a GB Family with an opportunity to explore ideas for growing firm foundations, growing hope for girls in a COVID-19 world and time to grow spiritually.

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3rd southwick girls in easter bonnets


Staying connected in the summer

Our groups and GB members have been busy right through the summer engaging in various activities and programme resources produced by GB as well as their own tasks and challenges!

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Hayley Flint working at sewing machine


Hayley’s mask-making mission

GB leader Hayley Flint from 4th Lincoln has spent the summer months making face masks, first for friends and family, then to help raise funds for GB and a mental health charity.

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GB group stood in front of church


Stories of Hope in 2020

You can now download our special Hope publication featuring some of the latest GB news and group stories, completely free!

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Being Together 4-11s resource cover


Being Together resources launched

GB has just launched new hybrid resources for our community groups to use between September and October half-term – whether that’s face-to-face, at home with a parent/carer, or online e.g. on Zoom.

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