Happy New Year
GB’s Network Executive Chair Sue Parkin has written a New Year’s message for our volunteers…
Read our latest news, find out about upcoming events, and hear from those involved.
GB’s Network Executive Chair Sue Parkin has written a New Year’s message for our volunteers…
As Christmas Day is almost here upon us, GB's Trustee Board Chair Jo Greengrass shares a message with GB leaders across England & Wales.
In October, members of Nottinghamshire District attended an event at the Breast Institute at Nottingham City Hospital.
GB groups never fail to find new and exciting ways to celebrate Christmas in their groups and this year is no different!
GB Team Leader Carolyn Graham represented Girls’ Brigade at a carol concert, hosted by HRH Princess of Wales, last week at Westminster Abbey.
Please note the opening hours for the Support Centre over the Christmas period.
As GB regions come to an end, many leaders were able to join in services and events to give thanks for the regions and the times they've shared together.
Girls' Brigade community groups across England and Wales are still enjoying GB's 130th birthday celebrations in a variety of ways...
Four n:counta members from 1st Leyton have been involved in a project called Material Witnesses.
GB Ministries has appointed a new CEO – Judith Davey-Cole.
Girls Brigade Assistant