four n:gage girls in large park swing

News, stories & events

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News, stories & events

GB members sat outside tent in church hall


Boycott Your Bed 2023

Last year, 1st Gawsworth Girls' Brigade enjoyed taking part last year so much, that they decided to support Action for Children again by taking part in the Boycott your Bed scheme again.

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GB members gathered for UK Parliament Week


GB gets involved in UK Parliament Week

UK Parliament Week (UKPW) is an annual event which spreads the word about what Parliament is and what it does. People of all ages can get involved and here's a free resource kit available each year to help GB leaders share more about Parliament with their young people and encourage them to get involved in making an impact on issues they care about.

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GB leaders in training


Online training for GB leaders

As a GB leader it’s great to be fully equipped/trained for activities we may do with our young people, or to be trained so that we can share our knowledge within our local area.

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GB leaders chatting at conference


Winter conference 2023

All leaders are welcome to join us to enjoy fellowship, worship and get to hear encouraging news at our November conference.

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