Girls' Brigade volunteers sticking jigsaw pieces to display on a wall


We have 3 national conferences a year for our GB community group leaders covering different topics.

Get inspired

Girls’ Brigade community group leaders join together regularly to learn and get inspired for the challenges ahead.

We have 3 conferences each year:

  • Spring – a training day for GB leaders
  • Summer – this conference is usually followed by a retreat for GB leaders
  • Winter – equipping sessions for GB leaders.

The whole afternoon was so powerful and I’m leaving with a real sense of affirmation in what I do and my worth, so thank you!

The session was great and shows that GB is tackling the big issues that are facing the wider Church.

International Conference

Every 4 years there is an International Conference of Girls’ Brigade (ICGB). This could be held anywhere around the world. Previous destinations include Zambia, Malaysia, and Australia.

Each country where GB operates is allowed to bring a certain number of representatives to the conference.

The next ICGB will take place in 2022.

Find out more about our International GB family

Girls Brigade Assistant