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GB has more than 450 community groups around the country and these are open to children and young people, primarily girls, aged 4 plus.
Use our map to find a group near you
We’re best known for our weekly uniformed community groups which are open to all girls and young women. We have around 450 groups in England and Wales made up of around 9,000 girls and young women (primarily) and led by more than 2,000 volunteer leaders.
GB has more than 450 community groups around the country and these are open to children and young people, primarily girls, aged 4 plus.
Use our map to find a group near you
n:vestigate is GB’s programme for 4 to 8-year-olds and it focuses on helping children to ‘join the journey’ that is following Jesus.
n:gage is GB’s programme for 7 to 11-year-olds and it focuses on helping them to 'discover the adventure' that is following Jesus.
n:counta is GB’s programme for 10 to 14-year-olds and it focuses on helping them to meet real life head-on.
n:spire is GB’s programme for 13 to 18-year-olds and helps them experience challenges they set themselves.
You don’t have to be a child to get involved with GB Ministries’ activities. We have plenty on offer for adults too - from our Esther Collective initiative for 18-30s to retreats open to women of all ages.
Girls Brigade Assistant