n:counta girls choosing biscuits and pouring juice at a table

n:counta – 10-14 year olds

n:counta is designed to introduce our 10-14s to skills and issues which really matter to them. Each programme track deals with life skills and life issues which will help them to live life to the full in their homes, their school and their communities.

n:counta logoWhat is n:counta?

The 10-14s age group in GB is known as n:counta.

n:counta for 10 to 14-year-olds is planned to equip young people with life skills which will help them to face up to the real issues that are part of their everyday life experiences as they enter their teenage years.

This age group will experience many changes as they cope with the onset of puberty, change schools and meet new friends. They’re very aware of world issues and will be influenced by their peers, the media, celebrities, fashion and music. They’re likely to question and challenge authority.

Why join?

Young people involved in this programme will explore issues that they encounter day by day and in turn develop new talents and skills to enable them to make contributions to real life.


Young people can earn badges by completing individual topics. We have over 30 themed topics within this programme that explore relevant topics to the age group as they develop and encounter new experiences and challenges in life. Badges include Fairtrade, Money Matters, and Using Leisure.

How the programme works…

n:counta girl holding up gingerbread man


The young people are introduced to the topic in a fun, interactive way – through games and activities.

Two Girls' Brigade young leaders chatting and making notes sat at a table


This section gives the young people the opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ example or areas of the Bible to help them to develop an understanding of the topic.

n:counta girl climbing on climbing wall


A topic can have a greater impact by learning a new skill or way of thinking – physical activities, crafts or even projects can be a great way to learn about a topic or issue.

four n:counta girls smiling at camera in soft play area

Fast forward

This section gives young people to apply the skills and knowledge they’ve learnt in their day to day lives.

Girls' Brigade volunteer with arms around n:gage girls

Join us

Use our Find a Group page to locate your closest group and enquire. Alternatively, contact us via email at [email protected] or call 01246 582322.

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Support us

Girls’ Brigade exists thanks to the support of its members past and present. Each year around 54% of our budget comes from subscription fees, which we try to keep as low as possible so that we remain accessible to all. However, we rely on the generosity of others in order to fund the remaining 46% of our costs. If you’re in a position to support our work financially and would like to give a one-off or regular donation, it's greatly appreciated.


Girls Brigade Assistant