n:spire girls with an arm around each other at soft play area

n:spire – 13-18 year olds

n:spire for 13 to 18s empowers teenagers to engage with challenges which will help them learn new skills and find opportunities to serve, whilst discovering God’s relevance to every aspect of their life.

n:spire logoWhat is n:spire?

The 13-18s age group in GB is known as n:spire.

n:spire for 13 to 18s empowers teenagers to engage with challenges which will help them learn new skills and find opportunities to serve, whilst discovering God’s relevance to every aspect of their life.

These young people enjoy deeper relationships with both boys and girls. They may be making key decisions about their future – options, work, and university – and can experience quite a lot of pressure from school, parents or even from themselves. They need challenge and adventure and want to take responsibility for things themselves.

Why join?

Each n:spire challenge is open to different interpretations, allowing the young people to make decisions about content, pace and engagement. Throughout, the activities will encourage them to discover what their faith means in their daily living, leisure time, decision-making, skill development and in their engagement of the world they live in.


Young people can earn badges by completing individual topics. We have over 20 topics within this programme; each topic reflecting an aspect of the young peoples’ lives. Within each topic, there are 5 different challenge options, meaning there are over 100 different options to explore. Badges include Faith, Future, and Healthy Lifestyle.

How the programme works…

n:spire girls smiling and laughing together


This section gives some practical suggestions as to how the challenge might be approached, although the young people may develop their own ideas if they prefer.

nspire group discussing around table

Set the scene

This section encourages the young people to think through what the challenge involves. There are a few questions to get them started.

Girls' Brigade young leaders creating poster on floor

Pin it down

This section encourages the group to start to make a detailed plan of how they’re going to complete the challenge.

n:spire girls with an arm around each other at soft play area

Investigate the Christian perspective

In this section, the group is asked to find out what the Bible and other Christians say about the theme of the challenge, either as a group or from someone with specialist knowledge in that area. This compulsory part of the challenge can be completed in an evening or by doing a little each week.

four n:spire girls toasting with mocktails


It’s crunch time! This is where the planning is put into practice and the challenge starts to take shape.

n:spire members taking a selfie


At the end of each challenge, the young people should take time to think through how they did, what they learnt, how they impacted others and what they would change in future.

Girls' Brigade volunteer with arms around n:gage girls

Join us

Use our Find a Group page to locate your closest group and enquire. Alternatively, contact us via email at gbco@gb-ministries.org or call 01246 582322.

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Support us

Girls’ Brigade exists thanks to the support of its members past and present. Each year around 54% of our budget comes from subscription fees, which we try to keep as low as possible so that we remain accessible to all. However, we rely on the generosity of others in order to fund the remaining 46% of our costs. If you’re in a position to support our work financially and would like to give a one-off or regular donation, it's greatly appreciated.


Girls Brigade Assistant