three n:vestigate girls sat on play castle smiling at camera

n:gage – 7-11 year olds

n:gage is GB's programme for 7 to 11s focusing on helping children to 'discover the adventure' that is following Jesus.

n:gage logoWhat is n:gage?

The 7-11s age group in GB is known as n:gage.

n:gage for 7 to 11-year-olds is based on positive values which our children need and it introduces them to Bible characters whose stories reflect these values. The suggested activities encourage the children to show how these values can be seen in action.

At this age children want to gain social approval; they enjoy learning new skills, are keen to see ‘fair play’, are very competitive and have a sense of adventure. Although they’re still majorly influenced by family members, teachers and leaders they’re beginning to develop and care about group identity too. They love to belong.

Why join?

Through engaging with this programme, not only will children’s lives be transformed and enriched, but so will their communities – as they discover the adventure of following Jesus and being who they were created to be.


Children can earn badges by completing individual topics. We have over 30 themed topics within this programme that explore the characteristics of various Bible characters and how they can adopt these characteristics. Badges include Co-operation, Inner beauty, and Sharing.

How the programme works…

n:gage girl decorating playing cards smiling at camera

Plug in

This section gives the children the opportunity to ‘plug-in’ to the value or characteristic they’ll be introduced to.

n:gage boy playing Jenga game

Get connected

The children will be encouraged to ‘get connected‘ to Bible characters that have demonstrated the values they’re studying.

n:gage girl jumping on park trampoline


The children have a range of games, crafts and challenges to choose from to take part in over a series of weeks and ‘activate’ the value they’re learning about.

n:gage members holding sock snowmen crafts


Once the children have had the opportunity to put their value into practice, they can ‘upload’ the adventure they’ve been having to celebrate and share with others.

Girls' Brigade volunteer with arms around n:gage girls

Join us

Use our Find a Group page to locate your closest GB community group and enquire. Alternatively, contact us via email at [email protected] or call 01246 582322.

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Support us

Girls’ Brigade exists thanks to the support of its members past and present. Each year around 54% of our budget comes from subscription fees, which we try to keep as low as possible so that we remain accessible to all. However, we rely on the generosity of others in order to fund the remaining 46% of our costs. If you’re in a position to support our work financially and would like to give a one-off or regular donation, it's greatly appreciated.


Girls Brigade Assistant