Ugandan young women holding up handmade sanitary towels from FIZZ mission trip

Mission trips

FIZZ mission trips fulfil the global vision of GB: Girls’ lives transformed… God’s world enriched, and mobilise a new generation of women to serve communities around the world; joining, pioneering and enabling projects that restore hope for life. 

FIZZ Mission trip logoGB community group leaders can take advantage of mission trips offered by GB Europe.

Starting in 2009, more than 100 women from GB Europe have served on FIZZ mission teams in Kosova, Cambodia, Uganda, and South Africa – often working in conjunction with other charities.

Being able to take time out of routine to do something for God’s glory has helped me reflect on my relationship with Him in the every day so that I can see and appreciate things that I did not before the mission trip, says a previous FIZZ team member.


Ugandan young women holding up handmade sanitary towels from FIZZ mission trip Girls' Brigade volunteer and Ugandan girl working at a water pump on FIZZ mission trip Girls' Brigade volunteer with Ugandan boy on FIZZ mission trip

There are currently no FIZZ mission trips on offer.

Visit GB Europe for more information 

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three Girls' Brigade volunteers sat on wall laughing


Volunteering with Girls' Brigade is a great way to use your skills and enrich lives and communities.

Girls' Brigade volunteers stood in circle with ball for training activity


Our training ranges from leadership and safeguarding for our volunteers to training for churches and youth leaders around girls’ issues, and equipping in mission and discipleship.


Girls Brigade Assistant