Young women in party hats at Esther Collective

The Esther Collective

The Esther Collective is a growing (online and face-to-face) supportive community of 18–30s women.

The Esther Collective Podcast

Podcast coverThe Esther Collective (TEC) Podcast is a community of 18-30s women exploring the issues young women face with honesty, hope and a sense of humour. Facilitated by Girls’ Brigade Ministries, which launched on 15 February 2021 with a new episode fortnightly on Spotify, iTunes and other platforms.

Honest and hope-filled discussions

The Esther Collective Podcast is divided into separate mini-series of four episodes (under 30 mins in duration). The first series is focussed on issues around body image and acceptance; a relevant topic since recent magazine articles in Glamour and Vogue reveal that body anxiety has increased because of the increase of video calling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While recognising this reality, we hope to provide a more hope-filled narrative around topics like healthy eating, self-esteem, comparison and self-acceptance from a Christian faith-based perspective. The second mini-series will explore whole-hearted living and topics like identity, values, belonging and vulnerability.

Meet the podcast team

Our initial podcast team members are 18-30s Christian women of faith from different backgrounds. Hannah (26) is a mum and drama teacher from Derbyshire, Jessie (24) is a mental health nurse from York and Charlotte (29) from Sheffield is training to be a Baptist minister.

Stay connected

Twitter and Facebook: @estherpodcast

Instagram: @esthercollectivepodcast

Check out our first episode!

'How can we accept ourselves?' is the first episode in the 'Speaking honestly about... our bodies' miniseries.

Listen wherever you get your podcasts


Every penny you donate will help fund our life-transforming work

young women sat cross-legged learning a cup song routine

Set up an Esther Collective community group

Contact us via email or call 01246 582322 for support and more information.

Email us

Why join?

The Esther Collective is here to help you develop integrity, influence and faith in your homes, study and workplaces. It provides:

  • Support
  • Friendships
  • Opportunity to explore your faith.

young women sat cross-legged learning a cup song routineThe Esther Collective sessions provoke questions that are stimulating, sometimes quirky, sometimes challenging and it’s great to be with other Christian women sharing our experiences and learning from each other.


Learn more

Girls' Brigade volunteers stood in circle with ball for training activity


Our training ranges from leadership and safeguarding for our volunteers to training for churches and youth leaders around girls’ issues, and equipping in mission and discipleship.

two women reading at a table during a retreat


We hold regular retreat days providing opportunities for women, both in and out of GB Ministries, to have space to connect with one another and to connect with God.

Women’s retreats
n:vestigate girl climbing tree


Every penny you donate will help fund our life-transforming work – sharing the difference having a faith makes, teaching life-skills, and building confidence and resilience.


Girls Brigade Assistant