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All aboard for Girls’ Brigade sleepover


Girls’ Brigade members enjoyed a sleepover with a difference – spending the night on a Wightlink ferry.

10 members from the Isle of Wight District were invited to spend a night of adventure on the Wightlink flagship car ferry Victoria - this was a first for both Wightlink and for Girls’ Brigade. Isle of Wight District Team Leader Betty McComb says ‘Wow – what an experience for a sleepover in a very unique place.’ Members from the 1st Newport and 3rd Ryde groups, plus leaders, boarded the 20.20 sailing from Fishbourne on Wednesday 29 May 2024 and disembarked at 08.05am the next day. Throughout the night they visited the engine room, Captain Sam’s Bridge, the car deck, the café area, and learnt how to operate the sprinkler system. They had sole use of deck 5, which was sealed off to all other passengers, for playing games and eating snacks but not a lot of sleep was had. Betty adds ‘The girls had a great time, and everyone was so helpful and kind. Everyone had ample opportunity to drive the ferry and sit in the Captain's chair on numerous occasions - both in the dark and in the early morning. ‘Many thanks to Karen Woods and Wightlink for allowing us this unique opportunity.’

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Girls Brigade Assistant