Alpaca lunch!


On Tuesday 25th June, 1st Gawsworth Girls' Brigade took part in a very unique outing to an alpaca farm.

When the group arrived they were shown around the Macclesfield Alpaca Farm and were introduced to some of the herd – they have over 120 alpacas on the farm! It’s the season for baby alpacas at the moment, known as ‘cria’, so the girls loved seeing all the new arrivals. Once the girls were given lots of new information about alpacas, it was time for the main event – in the shape of a tea party with alpacas.

There, the group were able to hand feed and get up close with some of the alpacas, which the girls thoroughly enjoyed.

Leader Natasha says, ‘It was one of our final Tuesday night groups before we break up for the summer, so it was a real treat to be able to give the girls this experience. We’re so lucky to have these things right on our doorstep.’

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