Amazing anniversaries


1st Spalding and 1st South Woodham Ferrers GB community groups have recently celebrated special anniversaries.

1st Spalding Girls’ Brigade and 3rd Spalding Boys’ Brigade celebrated their 90th birthday last month.

They organised a special anniversary celebration service on 15 October 2023. Past members were invited to go along and a buffet lunch was held giving time for past aquaintances to be renewed and old photos viewed. Leaders and current members took part in the service led by Revd Clare Davison and a Brigader Brooch presented.

1st Spalding's 90th anniversary - pic of group

And 1st South Woodham Ferrers celebrated their 50th birthday on the same weekend – 14-15 October 2023.

Team Leader Maralyn North says ‘On Saturday afternoon 24 past and present leaders enjoyed afternoon tea. There were lots of photos and memories shared, along with lots of laughter and chatter. On Sunday over 100 people attended our church parade where past and present girls talked about the influence of GB on their lives. 40 people stayed for lunch and, once again, stories were swapped, photos studied, and people remembered funny moments at camp and at our meetings.’

1st South Woodham Ferrers 50th display poster


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