COVID-19 (Coronavirus)


We’ve had some enquiries in relation to Coronavirus and keeping everyone at GB safe.

•    We recommend that you follow the government guidance, on the Public Health England website for educational settings and any guidance issued by your church or denomination.

•    In the event that government guidance moves to the closure of schools and colleges we’d advise that your GB group does not meet during this period and any Residential Events planned don’t take place until the closure is lifted. Please look for means to keep in touch with your GB family during this time e.g. through Facebook groups etc. to ensure our girls and their families continue to feel cared for by GB during this unsettling time.

•    GB members including leaders/helpers should be advised not to attend if they are displaying cold/flu symptoms.  Please bear in mind adult:child ratios required under safeguarding should leaders become unwell.

•    Remember that good hygiene is important – so encourage washing of hands with soap and water especially after using the bathroom and before/after preparing food – two rounds of Happy Birthday or the chorus to How Great Thou Art will help with the length of washing; have tissues available and a bin with a disposable bag in it for these; if you put out biscuits or snacks – reduce handling and don’t put unused items back into containers; use antiviral cleaning products to clean the equipment and facilities where you meet.

•    We recommend you review and revise your meeting risk assessment and ensure procedures are put in place.

•    We know that your members may have questions or worries about coronavirus. Give them space to talk about how they’re feeling and stress the importance of not judging each other. Remind them about the importance of personal hygiene.

Useful guidance posters:

Coronavirus advice for educational settings

Coronavirus public information

If you have any questions or become aware of a Coronavirus case in your group or are concerned as to whether you should be meeting or holding an event, please contact GB’s Support Centre.

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