Esther Generation Weekend 2023 round-up


Over the weekend of 18 and 19 February thirteen Queen’s Award candidates from eight groups across England & Wales came together at Cliff College for the Esther Generation Residential.

Supported by a fantastic volunteer leadership team, the theme was ‘let your light shine’ and the group explored the topic of sexual harassment. They also spent time looking at what GB means to them.

The challenge over the weekend was for the young women to work on a piece that highlights the issue of sexual harassment and how we can all respond – the results were a set of unique and creative pieces that used a variety of media.

The young women all expressed how much they enjoyed the weekend and how they developed a variety of skills from the event.

One attendee said, ‘I feel like I have grown spiritually and come closer to God.’

Another attendee said, ‘I have enjoyed meeting new, like-minded people.’

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