Girls’ Brigade groups mark impressive anniversaries


Several GB groups have been in touch to let us know about exciting celebrations they've had to commemorate the anniversaries of the opening of their groups and long service of their leaders.

On Sunday the 19th of May, 4th Nottingham leaders Fiona and Elaine set out to surprise their captain. Having arranged a surprise party for after their parade service, to celebrate Team Leader Pat’s 50 years of service. Girls past and present attended the service and party with special guests, including GB’s Deputy CEO Catherine Burt, the Mayor of Gedling Julie Najuk, Nottingham District Team Leader Lorna Bown and other leaders from the district. Games, video messages and photographs were shared along with a beautiful buffet. Pat was stunned and delighted to see so many past members.

4th Sheffield celebrated their 90th anniversary earlier this year. The group was formed in 1934 with Miss Marjorie Ashforth as Captain at the time. The group has since been led by nine leaders and the group continues to thrive with over 50 members on their books, led by Team Leader Joanne Bradshaw.

A tradition at 4th Sheffield is the crowning of a May Queen. For the 90th celebrations, they continued the tradition by asking the 1963 May Queen, to crown GB member Eva Roberts as Queen Sweet Pea. Throughout the year Eva will be raising money for the British Heart Foundation.

As a celebration with the group and church, 4th Sheffield performed a concert ‘Through the Decades’ to over 250 people. Celebrations concluded with a church service where each girl was awarded a special 90th-anniversary badge and two members were awarded their Brigader Brooches. No GB celebration is complete without a party lunch! Past and present members, their families and the church congregation were invited and current leaders cut a special cake at the event.

1st Higham Ferrers reached a very impressive 110th anniversary recently. They celebrated with a special church service for the occasion with a great turn out and a cake – of course!

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