Managing emotions and dealing with loss equipping webinar


In November, GB Ministries is hosting a webinar open to any minister, children's worker, youth worker, volunteer leader etc. as well as GB leaders to equip you to support girls and young women to manage their emotions during this challenging time.

Two n:gage girls with arm around each otherLockdown and the events of the past few months has caused significant loss in many young people’s lives; loss of routine, security, opportunities and the lives of loved ones. A recent poll conducted for Barnardo’s by YouGOV reported a rise in issues related to mental health and wellbeing for at least one in three of the participating 4,000 children and young people (aged 8 – 24 in Great Britain). Join with other GB leaders to explore how we support young people in our GB groups to ‘live life to the full’ no matter what life throws at them.

This ‘Managing emotions and dealing with loss: supporting young people in the COVID-19 world’ webinar is open to any minister, children’s worker, youth worker, volunteer leader etc. as well as GB leaders and will be held on:

  • Wednesday 18 Nov, 7.30 – 9.00pm

Hosted on Zoom and led by GBM’s Mission and Advocacy Enabler, Dr Claire Rush, the webinar will be interactive and include input sessions and break-out discussion rooms.

Please note that spaces are limited so please book early. If you have any problem booking, please contact the Support Centre.

Please book using the button below.


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