Nottinghamshire District support breast cancer support groups


In October, members of Nottinghamshire District attended an event at the Breast Institute at Nottingham City Hospital.

After two leaders in the Nottinghamshire District were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, the team decided to support the work of the Nottinghamshire Breast Cancer Support Group and the Nottingham Breast Institute.

The Breast Institute treats and cares for patients with breast cancer and to celebrate their 20th birthday, the institute installed a beautiful “Tree of Courage” in their reception area, consisting of over 400 leaves and a small meadow of 15 flowers. These are engraved with the names of donors along with individual personal messages from patients.

District Team Leader Lorna says, ‘It was an absolute privilege for five leaders of the district to be able to attend the unveiling of the tree and meet with Nottingham Hospitals Charity staff who wanted to know more about why GB were there.

‘It was certainly a memorable evening and good to know that we can all make an impact on breast cancer care.’

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