Send your greetings to GB’s international family


Girls’ Brigade International President’s Committee (IPC) are meeting this June at Cliff College, in Derbyshire.

The group, who are flying in from around the world, will have their annual meeting between 8-15 June, supported by the Girls’ Brigade Ministries’ Support Centre team. President Priscilla, from Zimbabwe, will be joined by International Vice Presidents Aruk from GB’s Africa Fellowship, Nancy from the Asia Fellowship, Quindell from the Caribbean & Americas Fellowship, Amelia from the Europe Fellowship, Renelle from the Pacific Fellowship, and International Treasurer Betty from GB England & Wales. All of these roles are voluntary and the group meet to discuss the global needs of The Girls’ Brigade and its vision for the future. Because each member of the IPC leads a fellowship, they are acutely aware of the opportunities and challenges which The Girls’ Brigade has in their region. We’d love our international friends, and some dignitaries who are coming to meet them, to see as many of our Girls’ Brigade members as possible. So, we’d love our community groups to send in a video greeting that we can edit together into a film for our special visitors. To take part…
  • Think of a creative way for your GB members to say hello and which group they’re from
  • Film your GB members ensuring the clip is horizontal
  • Filming on a phone is fine – the clip just needs to be in .MOV or .MP4 format
  • Ensure there is minimal background noise, and that the room is well lit
  • Please don’t use any copyrighted music/images/text in your clip
  • The clip should be no more than 20 seconds in length
  • Make sure you have photo consent for any GB member featured and that they’re wearing GB uniform
  • Email your clips to [email protected] by 6 June 2024.

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Girls Brigade Assistant