Staying connected


GB community group leaders are creatively supporting and engaging with the children and young people in their groups.

Here’s a round-up of how some of them have been doing this:

7th Coventry group have been holding weekly Zoom sessions and setting weekly tasks such as wordsearches and craft activities as well as enjoying action songs, stories, quizzes and more.

Team Leader Karen Adams says ‘It breaks the week up and is a good distraction for all who join in with lots of laughter and always ending with a prayer. For those unable to join in we’ve been sending the activities via email.’

Zoom meetings have also been the order of the day at 10th Derby, 4th Morden, 1st Newbury, 3rd Reading, 1st Queensbury, 1st Burnham, and others.

1st Burnham’s calls feature games and craft. Each week the group’s members are set a challenge, usually involving taking pictures of things, such as teddy bears having fun or signs of spring, and the parents are asked to share them on the group’s Facebook page.

Team Leader Jenny Dobson says ‘Everyone is loving our meetings and it’s great to see the girls and their families joining in. We keep inventing and inspiring each other as a leadership team and are very conscious of not putting too much pressure on parents so are trying to keep things simple.’

1st Flimby members decorated windows for the 75th anniversary of VE Day earlier this month.

Lots of groups have been sending regular emails or items in the post, contacting parents via text/email/WhatsApp, and posting on their social media accounts. A recent poll on our Facebook page found that 75% of those answered were using Facebook to communicate to their groups.

1st Larkfield sent sunflower seeds for a grow the tallest sunflower competition; 1st Kidderminster sent out Easter cards and a card with a ‘hug’ token; 8th Portsmouth posted pictures for a colouring competition; and 10th Plymouth sent a small gift and miss you postcard to all their members.

1st Eastleigh group held a virtual church parade – the team leader’s pre-recorded message was used in their church’s livestream and 23 girls and 7 leaders joined the livestream wearing their GB poloshirts. Their parents took a picture of them doing it and the picture was then shared on Facebook.

In Hull & East Yorkshire District Emily, who is doing her Queen’s Award, has produced bi-weekly devotion videos that have been shared on social media.

Lots of groups have been making use of our GB@home resources. A recent poll on our Facebook page found that nearly 60% of those answered were using GB@home.

Wendy Townrow, Team Leader at 1st Fareham, says ‘I had a lovely email from one parent, with photos of a children’s Bible which she said she had got for her daughter because she was missing GB so much!’

If you’re a GB community group leader or parent then let us know what activities you’ve been enjoying by emailing us.


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