7th Coventry welcomed seven friends to their event where they played pass the parcel, made glove puppets and even had hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows! Some of the young people who attended were excited about joining the group - including one older sibling who had seen how interesting the session looked just from dropping off her younger sister! Members who brought along friends who have stayed at GB will be receiving their Bring a Friend badges too. The group have also recently welcomed a new adult volunteer. We're so pleased to see the group growing!
3rd Plymouth recruited four new members by holding a Bring a Friend session in December. They simply sent invitations to their existing members encouraging them to bring a friend along. Lots of members brought friends along and the group enjoyed a Christmas-themed evening where they explored the Christmas story, played games and did Christmas crafts. One new member said, 'So much fun, I want to come again every week!’
3rd Ryde joined together for an all-age games evening for their Bring a Friend event - even the volunteers got involved in some classic games. The group have also sent invitations to all primary schools in the area inviting them to try Girls' Brigade out. We hope the efforts help 3rd Ryde to grow!
9th Hull held their Bring a Friend last week, with the members helping to design invitations to give to their friends during the previous sessions. The girls and their friends made friendship posters about their friends, which the group really got stuck into. They also used the Bring a Friend resource, released to help the group plan a great evening for new members. The group plan on holding another Bring a Friend event soon.

5th Hull, the girls also made their own invitations to give to their friends. They decorated them with gems and various artwork. The members of the group have been working hard to learn The Lord's Prayer in Makaton so their friends found it really easy to join in with the actions - even if they didn't know the words! The evening was based on teamwork and the group played some parachute games. They then moved on to making friendship bracelets, taking time to learn different methods from each other. The leaders shared the values of Girls' Brigade and that Jesus is there to be a friend for everyone. they ended the evening with party bags including treats and some more information about Girls' Brigade.
If you're a Girls' Brigade group looking to hold a Bring a Friend event,
get in touch to see how we can support you.
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