The Girls’ Brigade, Women and the Military – meet Elise


One of the biggest challenges within any military career is going through basic training. There's a lot of hurdles to overcome. For some younger recruits it's their first time away from home, for others it's the first time they've had to share their space with anyone else.

Tensions can get quite high with different people vying to take on leadership roles. Initially team work is of utmost importance, with leadership skills coming into play more as time goes on. I found that many of my experiences within Girls' Brigade were supportive of my time basic training. Particularly so those times at summer camp or other events like Firm Foundations (an old BB camp, that shows my age). Experience of camping alone meant that my time doing green skills with the military, hiking and camping, were less daunting. Cooking on camp stoves and sleeping outside were not new experiences to me and I felt confident in my ability to cope with those, so I felt I could focus more on the other new skills I was learning. Growing up I always had my own bedroom, so Girls' Brigade camps were the only times I really had to share my space with other people. When you get to basic training you suddenly have limited to no personal space, every space is shared with your fellow recruits and you look out for other people's space and kit as much as your own. Had I not had those similar experiences at Girls' Brigade camps this would've been a massive culture shock to me. I feel like that prior grounding in communal living gave me the experience needed to feel more comfortable in the military environment. Inspections at Girls' Brigade camp were not dissimilar to those in the military, laying all your kit out in a specific way, making sure it was clean, dry and waiting as they were inspected, taking pointers and criticism to improve next time. This meant I was more confident to cope with the military inspections. As well as conducting the inspections myself later on, I always remembered to include and emphasise the pastoral aspect of inspections, checking on the well-being of the newer recruits. My time in GB also instilled a sense of respect for leaders similar to that needed in the military. I feel like GB gave me a good basis and understanding of different aspects I encountered in my time in the military. Experience in leadership within the Girls' Brigade environment made me feel more confident in my new leadership duties in the military. With experiences at camp being influential in my behaviour at basic training particularly, but also beyond.

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