Queen’s Award – information for GB leaders

Programme materials

For young people between 15 and 25 years, who want to serve and to grow in faith, the Queen’s Award provides an exciting challenge.

The Queen’s Award is an International Award that challenges young people to build their confidence and inspires them to play their part in GB, the church and the community.

 The Queen’s Award has 7 modules, all of which need to be completed but in no particular order. 

Some are completed alone, some involve working with others, some may appeal immediately, and others may be more of a challenge.

The modules are:

Voluntary service – choose an area, outside of their normal social circle, to volunteer in for a minimum of 48 hours within a year or at a residential event (minimum of five days or two weekends) e.g. helping at a holiday club, volunteering in a charity shop, or a mission trip.

GB commitment and service – show ongoing commitment to GB and grow in responsibility and leadership e.g. lead 5 weeks of a GB programme, take responsibility for a GB Facebook page or GB advertising.

Faith development – develop faith, both personally and as part of a church/Christian community e.g. attend a house group/Christian Union, use Christian books or podcasts.

Esther Generation Weekend – a residential with other Queen’s Award participants which includes exploring hot topics, the international GB family, and the future of GB.

Initiative/leadership tasks – two tasks, chosen by the District Team Leader, to help develop initiative and leadership skills e.g. give a talk about GB, plan an event or prepare a meal. Here is a list of the current initiative tasks. 

Personal challenge – participants should select an area of interest and set a challenge within it that they haven’t previously achieved. Produce evidence of the personal challenge – this could be a creative piece, a personal journal, physical activity or a written project and reflections on what they’ve learned/achieved.

Citizenship, GB and Britain’s heritage – learn about the heritage of Britain, how national and local government works, being a citizen in Britain, and belonging to GB and the local community. There is a choice between a test paper (20 questions, some multiple choice) or leading a pre-prepared n:counta style evening for 10-14s in a GB group.

Some important details:

  • Participants can start their Queen’s Award from their 15th birthday, and must have started by their 23rd birthday. They can be a GB Leader, n:spire member or Young Leader.
  • Participants need to support the GB motto – Seek, Serve and Follow Christ and be passionate about GB and the purpose of the Queen’s Award – growing in confidence and faith as they serve in their community, GB and church.
  • Participants must work through their Queen’s Award for a minimum of two years, therefore the earliest age they could complete the award is their 17th birthday and they must have completed it by their 25th birthday. This is so they don’t rush through the award but can develop over a period of at least two years.
  • Particpants can’t use any school work, Brigader Brooch or DofE work for their Queen’s Award.

Getting started

If your young people are ready to begin their Queen’s Award journey, here’s what you need to know about getting started:

  • Download the registration form. Send this to the GB Support Centre by post or email along with a £20 registration fee and two passport-sized photos (per participant).
  • Appoint a mentor or supervisor within GB (this shouldn’t be a relative) who will support the participant through the Queen’s Award modules and in their faith journey, offering practical help and encouragement.
  • Once registered, participants will receive a guidance pack which they can regularly refer to as they work through their Queen’s Award. They will also have a Queen’s Award Record Book to be signed as they complete modules.
  • Participants don’t need to have completed their Brigader Brooch before starting their Queen’s Award. They should continue to progress through their Brigader Brooch as it must be completed before they finish their Queen’s Award.
  • When participants are ready to begin their personal challenge and/or Citizenship, GB and Britain’s heritage they should complete the relevant forms here and send them to the GB Support Centre.

Jayne is your point of contact, should you have any questions or concerns. You can also contact the GB Support Centre on 01246 582322.

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